Adding the material cost is mainly an effort to keep it more balanced, so if finding black numenorean equipmet isn't hard enough, that would make it more balanced. There are numerous ways this could work, some things I was thinking is smelting Black Numenorean armor in a furnace with bones as fuel or maybe, with a new type of furnace if neccesary, smelting Black Numenorean equipment (using bones as fuel) with a added "material cost," similar to anvills, of bloodstones (rubies) or mithril.

While not strictly in the Tolkien universe, he was nontheless inspired by Norse Mythology, so I believe this lies within the spirit of Middle-Earth. So then I thought of blood steel, or sometimes called bone steel, from Norse Mythology. evil looking varient that's as strong as mithril equipment. I mean, it's worth-it for the extra protection, espeically while in creative mode, but I think there should be a more. I came up with this idea because I was getting really annoyed at having to use mithril equipment, that's all bright and shiny, on my uruk-hai.